Social factors may affect heart health of Asian ethnicities in the US differently


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很多因素——包括移民身份, socioeconomic status and access to health care – contribute to differences in heart disease and stroke risks for Asian American people and may affect the many subgroups in this population differently, 根据一项新的科学报告.

美国心脏协会 科学声明 highlights evidence of the role social determinants of health play in cardiovascular health among Asian American adults and identifies areas where more research is needed to reduce health disparities among them. 这份声明周一发表在美国心脏协会的期刊《沙巴体育平台点击进入》上.

亚裔美国人是美国人口增长最快的族群.S.美国人口预计将达到4600万,占美国总人口的10%.S. 人口,到2060年. But studies show they have been persistently underrepresented in medical research, in part because they are the least willing of any racial and ethnic group to participate. Issues with English-language proficiency and studies that are only conducted in English also lead to lower representation.

This can make it harder to fully understand the factors contributing to cardiovascular health for Asian American subgroups, 该声明的作者发现.

"Due to the small numbers of Asian Americans recruited in research studies, 即使包括亚裔美国人, they are frequently combined into a single 'Asian' category or grouped with Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities, which results in the masking of clinically relevant differences in health among subgroups of people of Asian descent," Dr. Nilay年代. 声明撰写小组主席沙阿在一份声明中说 沙巴足球体育平台发布会上. Shah is an assistant professor of cardiology and preventive medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

"Asian American ethnic groups should be individually identified since each subgroup represents a unique population with distinct social, 文化健康特征,他说.

到2021年,美国最大的6个亚裔族群.S. were Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese American. People of other Asian ethnicities are less often identified in research studies.

Several social factors uniquely influence health behaviors and disease risk in Asian ethnic groups, 沙阿说, 包括移民的原因, socioeconomic position and differences in health care access and utilization.

结构性种族主义也可能发挥作用. 从历史上看, Asian immigrants faced structural racism and anti-Asian prejudice stemming from policies such as the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act restricting immigration and the forced incarceration of Japanese people in the U.S. 二战期间.

来美国的人.S. as refugees also are more likely to experience chronic stress from war, 暴力, 饥饿和创伤, 哪种会恶化心脏健康. Undocumented immigration status can leave people without health insurance or access to timely health care, 哪些因素会导致心血管健康不佳.

社区环境, 获取营养食品, 就业状况, education and how well a person has adapted to American culture or learned the language skills needed to access health systems may also differ greatly among subgroups and can all influence cardiovascular health, 根据声明.

所有这些健康的社会决定因素可能都是相互关联的, 沙阿说, and their cumulative impact contributes to poor cardiovascular health among Asian Americans. He said there is an "urgent need" to understand and address the challenges with effective prevention strategies.

"Achieving health equity in this rapidly growing population will require multilevel interventions that target the key factors influencing cardiovascular health and account for the unique experiences within individual Asian subgroups,他说.


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